Wireless fire system / Translators and expanders
Translators / expanders

Wireless translator module
The translator controls the wireless devices and connects to the fire control panel. This allows the control panel to manage and control the wireless devices seamlessly as if they were a part of its loop.
- The translator communicates with wireless devices operating in the range of 868 MHz with a maximum power of 25 mW.
- The translator controls a combination up to 127 wireless expander modules and detectors in a wireless mesh network and transmits all events to the fire control panel.
- The translator is powered directly by the analogue loop of the fire control panel.

Wireless translator module
The translator module allows fully intelligent and seamless integration of the wireless devices alongside standard wired devices
- Loop powered
- Dynamic routing for all expanders and field devices
- Bi-directional wireless communication
- Compatible with up to 127 expander modules
- Capable of linking up to 240 fully intelligent wireless field devices
- Supports full device intelligence
- Operating temperature range: –10 °C to +55 °C

Wireless expander module
The wireless expander with notification device is an output device which is activated in case of fire or emergency situations. The wireless expander with notification device is a device that has two main uses:
- Expand the area coverage of a wireless system. Operate the same way as wireless expander module ARF-WL8-EXP
- Internally illuminated escape signs (direction LEFT, direction RIGHT, EXIT and other signs).
- Dynamic routing for all expanders and field devices
- Bi-directional wireless communication
- Capable of linking up to 240 fully intelligent wireless field devices
- Supports full device intelligence
- Contains a built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery
- Operating temperature range: –10 °C to +55 °C
* - Not certified to EN54

Wireless expander module
The wireless expander module provides a convenient method to increase radiocommunication range beyond that possible from a single translator by relaying the radio communication to further expanders or directly to the wireless field devices.
- Dynamic routing for all expanders and field devices
- Bi-directional wireless communication
- Capable of linking up to 240 fully intelligent wireless field devices
- Supports full device intelligence
- 2 built-in inputs/outputs
- Operating temperature range: –10 °C to +55 °C